December 17, 2023

Everything about the fiberglass industry

The chemical industry is one of the foundations of modern society, providing essential materials and products for various applications from pharmaceuticals to other industries. However, the industry faces unique challenges, including the need for corrosion-resistant equipment due to the highly corrosive nature of many chemicals. The introduction of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) equipment is a revolutionary solution that is changing the chemical industry. In this article, we will explore the world of FRP, its features, benefits and methods that are reshaping the chemical industry.
April 8, 2019

Different methods of producing composite parts

There are different methods for producing polymer-based composite parts, which are generally divided into three categories: 1- Simple production methods of manual and spraying porcelain layer 2- Special production methods of pultrusion, fiber twisting and continuous layering 3- Manufacturing methods of industrial composite parts SMC, BMC, RTM, GMT, LFT and... […]